Thursday, April 30, 2009

Chill out!

It's just a strain of the flu. Take a deep breathe. It comes around every year. Take some vitamins, get enough sleep, smile and laugh --it's good for your health. 
More people will die in car accidents, of malnutrition and AIDs.
What is it about this virus that has the world in a panic? 
The main reason the federal government and states--i.e. Texas are declaring states of emergency is to free up resources for preventative measures. 
No reason to cancel travel plans, stay home from school or work. 
We seem to have a pill for everything, every symptom, unwanted emotion, etc. Getting sick now and then is natural. The one U.S. death from swine flu was a toddler in Texas who had health problems already. His family and friends remain healthy. 

And bother anyone how quickly this whole thing has turned into an "us" vs. "them" issue. Continued use of terms like "mexican flu," are adding to the tension. While driving earlier I heard a listener on CNN complaining Obama cared more about immigrants than Americans, evidenced by his failure to close the boarders. Uhh sir, do you have any idea how many Americans are over there? How many of the foods you eat, products and services you rely on would be disrupted--talk about our economic troubles..... This isn't about immigration--save your views on that for another debate.
Plus, how could we possibly stop germs from crossing boarders? As the rapid spread across states show--from CA to TX to MD, ME and MA and of course my home state, NY. 

While Americans need to chill, and accept the states of emergency are for utilitarian purposes, there could be cause for concern in poorer countries. For those already weakened due to malnutrition, for those without access to basic medicines, this could be tragic. 

Not that I'm generally a Ron Paul fan --but he makes some good points. 


  1. Yeah, down with 'Whitey'! Wait, what's your point? Oh yeah, Mexicans killing people... We should close the borders because its 'us' or 'them'! Thanks Lily for pointing out that Obama is only an immigrant-loving, puppy killer. ;-)

    On a serious note, good luck in your travels. Remember not to kiss any pigs while you're out there... both literally and figuratively. Besides, something tells me that that won't be a major issue since the Egyptian government has taken the initiative to kill all swine. It'd be funny if weren't true and affecting the lives of thousands of Coptic pig farmers.

    Take care dear!

  2. Lily my dear I shall not delve into the science behind why this is an issue. I feel the reaction of the WHO is right along track for this 'problem.' Let's hope it is all over soon.

    The thing about Obama makes me laugh though. If he wasn't trying to help the situation that Mexico was in right now, he would be titled uncaring or unconcerned with the rest of the world (or something a lot more political sounding) which may I point out would be a lot worse than caring about the well being of this world.

    That's all for now, I miss you already and hope you are having safe flights and arrive in Egypt (is that the first country you will be settling in?) with a light heart and ready for your adventure!
